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Buttom lines of Bees | Prime Facts of Professional Pollinators


➣ There are over 16,000 known species of bees in seven recognized biological families.
➣ Some species are social and lives in colonies .
➣  Most of bees greater than 90 percent are solitary.
➣  Did you know , Bees have 5 eyes.
➣  The tips of the antennae have more than 300 taste sensors!
➣  Did you know, Bee can't see color red.
➣  The honey bee is the only insect that produces a food eaten by human.
➣  Honey bee foragers must collect nectar from about 2 million flowers to make 1 pound of honey.
➣  The average forager makes about 1/12 th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.

Image by maxknoxvill ,from Pixbay

➣  Did you know, If the queen bee dies in a honey bee hive the workers can create a new queen bee. For this purpose, they select a young larva and, by feeding it a special food called "royal jelly", the larva develops into a fertile queen.
➣  Honey Bees have two stomach , one to digest and second for gathering honey.
➣  Bees teach each other how to make honey; it's not inborn.
➣  Losing its stinger will cause a bee to die.
➣  The honey bee is one of the most scientifically studied creatures in the world after man!

Photograph from Pixbay

➣  The honey bee's brain is about the size of a tiny grain of sugar, but researchers have found that it is surprisingly sophisticated.
➣  The honey bee's brain is about the size of a tiny grain of sugar, but researchers have found that it is surprisingly sophisticated.
➣ Vulture bee make meat honey, they gather meat from the dead and rotting animals and produce honey like substance.
➣ Halictidae is the second-largest family of bees but smallest in the size , the workers are less than 2mm long.
➣ Megachile pluto, also known as Wallace's giant bee or  'king of the bees' . it is the largest known living bee species. It's as long as adults thumb.
➣ Wellace's Giant bee has large size of jaws that easilydistinguished them from other bees.


Surprising facts about honey bee ,That we dont have on our blog -

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