Cool Facts about Cockroaches
May 21, 2022➤ There 4600 species of cockroaches found Over the world.
➤ Only 30 species of cockroaches are known to associate with human habitat.
➤ Some species of cockroaches are considered as pest.
➤ Cockroaches are an ancient group , 300-350 million years ago they placed on our planet.
➤ Cockroaches have chewing mouth part.
➤ Cockroaches refered as Hardy insects , they are surviving in arctic cold and tropical heat.
➤Tropical Cockroaches are much larger than temperate species.
➤ Cockroaches has small head , however they has a broad flattened body.
➤ Most Cockroaches are raddish - brown and black brown in colour.
➤ Cockroaches has Six sturdy legs with coxae ,and each legs has five claws .
➤Cockroaches are best runners.
➤Did you know , The leg structure of cockroaches has been used as robotic legs.
➤ Some species of cockroaches are manufacturer of an antifreeze made out of glycerol, that let them surviving -120° C of temperatures.
➤ Some live in arid regions and have developed mechanisms to survive without access to water sources.
➤ Some Cockroaches species Survive without water. Those who live in arid region they have developed mechanisms for that.
➤ Some species of cockroaches are well adapted to water bodies. They are professional diver.
➤ the tip of the abdomen which acts as a snorkel helps them respire by piercing the water surface.
➤ Some species of cockroaches were act so different during diving. They a bubble of air under their thoracic shield when they submerge.
➤ cockroaches do, indeed, have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates.