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Facts about Butterflies


❏  Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
❏  Antarctica is the only continent on which no Lepidoptera have been found.
❏  The Brimstone butterfly (Gonepterix rhamni) has the longest lifetime of the adult butterflies: 9-10 months.
❏  Some butterflies can fly 50km/h or faster. Slow flying butterflies probably fly about 10km/h.

❏  A group of butterflies puddling together is  referred to as a “puddle club”.

❏   Some Butterflies are nomadic in behavior , for example Common Jezebel.
❏ Butterflies glue their eggs to leaves.
❏   Butterflies lays hundreads of eggs, depending on species numbers increases upto 500 hundreds.,
Common Jezebel butterfly, laying eggs. 

❏   The Common Rose butterfly available in huge numbers , during and after the Monsoon.
❏   The common rose is active much earlier in the morning, rest in middle of the day and again seen late afternoon.
Common Rose butterfly

❏   Monarch butterflies are the only insect in the whole world that travels over 2,500 miles on average every winter.
❏ These migrations take place over a number of generations and no single individual completes the whole trip.

❏ Butterflies can see green , yellow and red colours.
❏  Butterflies can see beyond the ultraviolet spectrum and their eyes consist of a network of 6000 lenses.

❏  Each species of butterfly has its own host plant range and while some species of butterfly are restricted to just one species of plant.
❏   The antennae are composed of many segments and have clubbed tips . The sensory receptors are concentrated in the tips and can detect odours.


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