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Unknown Facts about Praying Mantids


➥ Mantodea are an order of insects known as Mantises .
➥ there  more over 2,400 species of mantises in about 460 genera in 33 families.
➥ The largest family Mantises is the Mantidae ("mantids"). 
➥ Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats.
➥ The closest relatives of mantises are cockroaches and termites  .
➥ The earliest mantis fossils are about 140 million years old, from Siberia .

➥ Mantises has  two bulbous compound eyes, three small simple eyes.
➥ Mantises has just one single ear.
➥ Some mantids are flightless and don't have an ear.
➥ Mantids can turn their head full 180° .
➥ The abdomen tends to be slimmer in males than females.

➥ The female lays between 10 and 400 eggs, depending on the species.
 Female Mantids secretes styrofoam like substance from their body to protect their eggs.
➥ Smaller ones may live 4–8 weeks, while larger species may live 4–6 months.
➥ Mantis nymphs are eaten by ants, which can sometimes wipe out an entire batch of young mantis nymphs.
➥Surviving mantis nymphs molt several times, each time becoming more like the adult,
➥ After the final molt, most species have wings, though some species remain wingless or brachypterous ("short-winged"), particularly in the female sex.

Mantis eating the head of butterfly. Image by denitsakireva from Pixbay

➥ Mantids usually love to eat the haed of their prey.
➥ Praying Mantis uses their forelimbs like hands,
That have rows of sharp spines which helps to hold their pray.
➥ Larger mantises sometimes eat smaller individuals of their own species.
➥ Praying Mantids known for eating their mate's.
( Female eats male mantis)

➥ Did you know,in China there separately developed  have movements and fighting strategies based on those of the mantis.


Read more: Praying Mantis - Reproduction - Mantids, Nymphs, Eggs, and Female - JRank Articles

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