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Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Surprising Facts about Stick Insects

The Phasmatodea are an order of insects whose members are variously known as stick insects, how ever in to this group , the family Phylliidae are called leaf bugs , because they resemblance leaves. Read more ... (Wikipedia)

➤ More than 3000 species of stick insects living world wide.
➤  Did you know, Sticks insects can regenerate their limbs. (by molting their skin).
➤  Stick insects are the longest insect in the world.
➤ Depending on the species, walking sticks can grow from 1 to 12 inches.

➤  Stick insects have two types of pads on their legs: sticky "toe pads" and non-stick "heel pads" a little further up their legs.

➤   Female stick insects are often grow bigger than the male sticks.
➤   Stick insects are master of disguise , however it's doesn't work while bats are the predators. Because Bats hunt by  echolocation.

➤  Stick insects are herbivores , they have powerful jaws for munching.
➤  Droppings of stick insects  consist of broken down plant meterial that some  other insects use as food.


Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Cool Facts about Cockroaches

➤  Cockroaches are Insects belongs to Blattodea Order.
➤ There 4600 species of cockroaches found Over the world.
➤ Only 30 species of cockroaches are known to associate with human habitat.
➤ Some species of cockroaches are considered as pest.
➤ Cockroaches are an ancient group , 300-350 million years ago they placed on our planet.
➤ Cockroaches have chewing mouth part.
➤ Cockroaches refered as Hardy insects , they are surviving in arctic cold and tropical heat.
➤Tropical Cockroaches are much larger than temperate species.
➤ Cockroaches has small head , however they has a broad flattened body.
➤  Most Cockroaches are raddish - brown and black brown in colour.

Image by Bijaya Karuan

➤  Cockroaches has Six sturdy legs with coxae ,and each legs has five claws .
➤Cockroaches are best runners.
➤Did you know , The leg structure of cockroaches has been used as robotic legs.
➤ Some species of cockroaches are manufacturer of an antifreeze made out of glycerol, that let them surviving -120° C of temperatures.
➤ Some live in arid regions and have developed mechanisms to survive without access to water sources.
➤ Some Cockroaches species Survive without water. Those who live in arid region they have developed mechanisms for that.
➤ Some species of cockroaches are well adapted to water bodies. They are professional diver.
➤ the tip of the abdomen which acts as a snorkel helps them  respire by piercing the water surface.
➤ Some species of cockroaches were act so different during diving. They a bubble of air under their thoracic shield when they submerge.
➤ cockroaches do, indeed, have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates.


Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Wow Facts about Weevils


➤ Weevil are the beetles belongs to Curculionoidea superfamily.
➤ They also known as nunus.
➤ Weevils are well recognized for their elongated snouts.
➤ More than 97,000 weevil species are known .
➤ Many Weevils are considered serious pest , Compairing to other insects weevil can damage the most.
➤ The Wheat Weevils and the  Rice weevils damages stored grain.
➤  The Boll Weevils Do over cotton crops, they lays their eggs inside the cotton bolls and the larvae eat their way out.
➤  Most of the Weevils are good flyer, however some species are flightless.
➤ The female rostrum is twice as long and its surface is smoother than in the male.
➤  Did you know , The male New Zealand giraffe weevil are measure up to 3.5 inches , while female Giraffe Weevils are  measured up to 2.0 inches.

Red Palm weevil , image by Maka Muki , from Pixbay

➤ Palm weevil is considered a major pest in palm plantations, including the coconut palm, date palm and oil palm.
➤ The adult insect is an excellent flier and is able to travel great distances they will colonize healthy palms.
➤  The adult female lays approximately two hundred eggs on new growth in the crown of the palm.
➤  After laying, the female protects and secures the eggs with a secretion that rapidly hardens around the eggs.
➤  Palm weevils built a cocoon with dry palm fibers in leaf litters at the base of the tree for their pupation.
➤  The total life cycles of a palm weevil takes about seven to ten weeks.


Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

True Facts about Termites

Photo by weeraponn from Pixbay

➣ There more than 2700 species of Termites live around the world.
➣  Termites are among the ancient creatures. Over 250 million years ago Termites existed on earth.
➣  Did you know, Termites make up 10% of all  animal biomass.
➣  The Largest colony of Termites consist more than 3 millions of members , ever recorded.
➣  Termites colonies works 24 hours a day, every day yo build their home.
➣  Termites are well known for their Mound buildings.

➣  Termites build their colonies upward , the mound of Termites can reach height upto 30 feet .
➣  Termites population is much higher in tropical area , because they were active in worm temperature.
➣  You may know, Termites have the good sensory organs in their antenna.
➣  Termites communicate with the help of vibrations.
➣  Did you know, Termites biggest enemies are their close relatives Ants.
➣  Soldiers and Reproductive termites cant feed themselves ,so workers have that duty .
➣  The queen have the power to decided the caste of the termite offspring.

➣  Did you know, The queen in an African termite colony can lay up to 40,000 eggs per day
➣  Did you know, the average queen can lay an egg every 15 seconds.
➣ Termites queen  can live upto 30 to 50 years . That's really a very long lifespan for any insect.

Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Real facts about Robber flies

➤ Robber fly are well known as assassin flies.
➤ There more than 7000 described species found all over the world.
➤ Robber flyies are so Powerful, their skin covered with short stiff hairs.
➤ Robber fly were feed on other insects.
➤ They are so notorios and agreesive predators , that's why they called " Robber ".
➤ They have a short, stout proboscis enclosing the sharp, sucking hypopharynx, so they easily sucks nutrients of their prey.

Photograph by the photographer Bijaya Karuan

➤ Robber flies paralyzes their victims by injecting some toxics with their sharp and strong proboscis.
➤ Robber flies wait in a concealed position and took surprise attack .
➤ attacks a very wide range of prey, including other flies, beetles, butterflies and moths, various bees, ants, dragon and damselflies, ichneumon wasps, grasshoppers, and some spiders.
➤ They have spiny powerful legs with ability to catch their prey on flight.
➤ Robber flies have three eye , third one placed between two big compound eyes.
➤ Robber flies have mystax, dense mustache.
➤ Many Robber flies have long, tapering abdomens, sometimes with a sword-like ovipositor.
➤  Some species of Robber flies ,like Laphria, are fat-bodied bumblebee mimics.
➤  Female robber flies deposit whitish-colored eggs on low-lying plants and grasses, or in crevices within soil, bark, or wood.
➤  most species of Robber flies lay their eggs in masses, which are then covered with a chalky protective coating.
➤  After hatching, robber fly larvae generally seem to live in soil, rotting wood, leaf mold, and similar materials.
➤ Most Robber flies larvae are detrivorous, Means they feed on decaying or dead . While  some larvae wre being predatory .
➤ Robber flies overwinter as larvae and pupate in the soil. Pupae migrate to the soil surface and emerge as adults.
➤  Complete development ranges from  1  to 3   years, depending on species and environmental conditions.

Robber flies mating pair . Image by BIJAYA KARUAN 

➤  A study of robber fly mating behavior reported a case of thanatosis, or feigning death. In this species, males initiate mating by grasping a female. However, if the female perceives that he does not meet her hopes or expectations, she goes limp, pretending to be dead. A non-responsive body does not provide the stimuli that he needs to proceed with mating, so he literally drops her and flies away.


Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Fantastic Hover flies Facts

Image by illuvis from Pixbay


➤ Flies of the insect family Syrphidae are known as hover flies.
➤ They also known as "Flowers fly" and "syrphid flies".
➤ There more than 6000 species of hover flies seen across the world.
➤ Hover flies  are double beneficial for  humans.
➤ Some species of hovers eat aphids during their larval stage, and  control pest on farms.
➤ Adult Hover flies feed on nectar and play a major role as Pollinators.
➤ After wild bees , hover flies are second most Pollinators of our planet.

Image by Vireo from Pixbay

➤ many species of Hoverflies are mimics of bees and  stinging wasps  to avoid predators.
➤ Did you know , Hoverflies have only one pair of wings and not two pairs as in the case of bees and wasps.
➤ hover flies are distinguished from other flies by having a spurious vein, located parallel to their fourth longitudinal wing vein.
➤ Hoverflies can fly at the speed of 40 km/hr intermittently.
➤ Hoverflies  possess the ability to fly backwards.
➤ Did you know,Male Hoverflies have larger eyes that are placed close together.
➤ Did you know, The eyes of the females hoverfly, on the other hand, are slightly smaller and placed apart.
➤ The males hoverfly mature faster than the females.
Image by Vireo from Pixbay

➤ Mating may take place while flying or terrestrially resting on foliage.
➤  Females lay the fertilized eggs on plant shoots and leaves where they will have easy access to eat.
➤  A female hoverfly can lay up to 100 eggs during the course of their life.
➤ Most of the hover flies live a very short life . Average they last 12 days, however some live upto 55 days depending on species.
➤  In a year, 3 to 7 generations of these syrphid flies may be produced.


Interesting facts about Hoverflies by Animalsake -

8 Hoverflies facts

Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Shocking Facts about Skippers

➡  World wide there More than 3500 species of skippers have been identified.
➡  Skippers are family of Butterflies .
➡  Nevertheless, skippers have the antennae clubs hooked backward like a crochet hook, while the typical butterflies have club-like tips to their antennae.
➡  Skippers mostly have an absence of wing-coupling structure available in most moths.
➡   Did you know, the Skipper Butterfly can fly faster than a horse can run.

➡ Pyrginae,  a subfamily of the skipper butterfly family ,commonly known as spread-winged skippers.
➡ They called Spread - winged because they mostly seen with opend wings .
➡ Spread winged skippers love the sun basking.
➡ Spread-Winged Skippers It still is the second-largest subfamily of skipper butterflies.
➡ Males maintain territories and frequently perch on overhanging branches and tree trunks.
➡ Male spread winged skippers do not visit flowers for sustenance, but rather drink fluids from dung, carrion, and rotting fruit.
➡ the spread-winged skippers are found essentially worldwide, except in very cold or desert regions.
➡ The long-tailed skipper (Urbanus proteus) butterfly found throughout tropical and subtropical South America, south to Argentina and north into the Eastern United States and southern Ontario.
➡  It is a showy butterfly, with wings of light brown tinted with iridescent blue, and two long tails extending from the hindwings.
➡  The long tailed skippers have awingspan between 4.5 and 6 centimeters.

Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Amazing Facts about Aphids

➣ Aphids evolved in the early Permian period , some 280 millions years ago.
➣ About 5000 described species of aphids has been found in the world. 
➣ Around 400 species of aphids found in food and fiber crops.
➣  Aphids are small sap-sucking insects, often called as greenfly and blackfly , however individual in a species can very widely in colour.
➣  Many of the aphids are serious pests of agriculture , foresty and of course harming gardens.

Bond between Ants and Aphids . 

➣  Ants have a mutualistic relationship with aphids. They protect them from predators and get honeydew from Aphids
➣  Aphids can migrate great distances, mainly through passive dispersal by winds.
➣  Winged aphids may also rise up in the day as high as 600 m where they are transported by strong winds.
➣  Most aphids have soft bodies, which may be green, black, brown, pink, or almost colorless. Aphids have antennae with two short, broad basal segments and up to four slender terminal segments.

➣  When host plant quality becomes poor or conditions become crowded, some aphid species produce winged offspring  so they can migrate to other food sources. 
➣  The majority of aphids are wingless, but winged forms are produced at certain times of year in many species.
➣ Most of the Aphids species feed on only specific plants.
➣  Some species of aphids , about 10% of species feed on different plants at different times of the year.
➣ The winged adults of aphids found new host plant, through detection of odorous by using the antenna.
➣ Aphids is the only known example of photoheterotrophy in animals.
➣ aphids may well be able to absorb solar energy and convert it to a form that their cells can use, ATP.
➣ Aphids use their carotenoids to observe solar energy.


Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Primary Facts about Planthoopers

➧  World wide 12,500 species of Planthoopers were described.
➧  They got their name as they resemblance to plant and leaves.
➧  Planthoppers generally walk very slowly.
➧  Planthooper escape in a quick jump.
➧  nymphs, release waxy substances to protect themselves from any threat.
➧  Some planthoopers consider as pest , however Only few of them.
➧  Brown planthoppers feed only on rice crops and are considered one of the worst pests for rice crops.

 Image by Rhododendrites ,  from Wiki Commonslicense- Creative Commons Share Alike 4.0 license.

➧ Lycorma delicatula is a species of Planthoopers well known as Spoted Lanternfly.
➧ Adult L. delicatula measure about 25 millimetres (1 in) long and 12 millimetres (1⁄2 in) wide.
➧ Adult Lantern forewings adorned with black spots , thats why they called Spoted Lanternfly.
➧ Lanternfly having a minimum of 20 black spots, with 6 spots located on the anterior margin of the forewings.
➧ Neatly spaced black rectangular markings color the tips of the forewings in a pattern sometimes likened to brick and mortar.
➧ The Body and legs of a female Spoted Lanternfly is bigger than a male spoted Lanternfly.
➧ Did you know , while adult have the powerful wings to make quick flights , they use hoping as usual.

➧ Spoted Lanternfly Nymphs hatch from eggs in late April to early May.
➧ Nymph of lantern fly don't have wings until they get matured.
➧ Nymph of lantern fly don't have wings until they get matured, however they have those Spoted earlier.
➧ In the first instar, it is black with white spots. Later instars have red patches in addition to the white spots.
➧ As early as July, adults can be seen, and they mate and lay eggs from late September
➧ Did you know Spoted Lanternfly migrates during the mating period.
➧ perform a brief courtship and copulation which will last for up to 4 hours.
➧The egg masses of Spoted Lanternfly contains 30–50 eggs.

Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author

Cool facts about Crickets


Cool Facts about Crickets

➣   Mainly Crickets are nocturnal , and best known for the loud , loud persistent chirping songs.
➣   Crickets  stridulating system is unique from grasshopper , Crickets has significant structure on their wing's top known as sraper.they open up their wings 45- degree angle and draw the scraper of one wings across wrinkles on the underside of another wing known as file.
➣  Every cricket has its own distinctive song, which it uses to attract mates and defend territory.
➣   Level of Cricket's sounds corresponds to outside temperature. Louder in hot and lower in cold temperature.
➣   Although , Some cricket species are mute.
➣  Crickets often appear as characters in literature.
➣  Male mole crickets sing by stridulating, always under ground. 
➣  Crickets have relatively powerful jaws, and several species have been known to bite humans
➣  The Bull Crickets are the largest members the family , they are up to 2 inch long (5 cm).

Image from Pixbay  by  krzysztofniewolny

➣   The tree Crickets are delicate white or pale green .
➣    The Ground Crickets are rebust brown or black in colour.


Bijaya Karuan Bijaya Karuan Author


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