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Cool facts about Crickets


Cool Facts about Crickets

➣   Mainly Crickets are nocturnal , and best known for the loud , loud persistent chirping songs.
➣   Crickets  stridulating system is unique from grasshopper , Crickets has significant structure on their wing's top known as sraper.they open up their wings 45- degree angle and draw the scraper of one wings across wrinkles on the underside of another wing known as file.
➣  Every cricket has its own distinctive song, which it uses to attract mates and defend territory.
➣   Level of Cricket's sounds corresponds to outside temperature. Louder in hot and lower in cold temperature.
➣   Although , Some cricket species are mute.
➣  Crickets often appear as characters in literature.
➣  Male mole crickets sing by stridulating, always under ground. 
➣  Crickets have relatively powerful jaws, and several species have been known to bite humans
➣  The Bull Crickets are the largest members the family , they are up to 2 inch long (5 cm).

Image from Pixbay  by  krzysztofniewolny

➣   The tree Crickets are delicate white or pale green .
➣    The Ground Crickets are rebust brown or black in colour.


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