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Amazing Facts about Ants


➤ There are more than 12,000 species of ants all over the world.
➤  Ants go on battle , fought with their rival colonies for weeks at a time.
➤Ants smaell with their antenna !
➤Each ant colony has its own special scent. So they can identify their own members and intruders!
➤Ants can digg their nest 2 feet Deeper underground.
➤Ant's can navigate using the magnetic field of earth.
➤Ants have strongest feeling vibrations in the ground , they hear through their feet . Because they don't have ears.
➤Ant's jaws is like a sharp scissors they open widely sideways.
➤Ant's have a whooping 250,000 brain cells. Officially they are the world's smartest insects.
➤Queen ants have longest life among insects. They can live 30 years .

➤When The Queen complete matin she no longer needed her wings , that fall off after.
➤Soldiers ant ' steal ' eggs from other colonies and when they born they became works as slaves.
➤ Female worker ants can travel as long far as 200 metres from their nests. That’s a long way when you’re that small!
➤  Adetomyrma is a genus of ants that only found in Madagascar . Did you know, tahat the workers of this genus can't see , they are blind . Socking facts about this tribe is , it includes thw Dracula ants those can feed on hemolymph of larvae and pupae. 
➤The world’s biggest ant is the bullet ant, which is found in the Panama jungle. These critters can grow up to 1.6 inches. 
➤The sting of a bullet ant is powerful enough to paralyse a tarantula.
➤There is a species of ant called Bulldog ant , their bite can kill a human in 15 minutes.
➤Australian green ant colonies can have nests spanning over twelve trees.
➤ Did you know,The world’s smallest ant is the Pharoah ant, which is a teeny 2mm long.
➤The leafcutter  ant is the strongest  ant, which can lift 50 times its body weight.


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