Unknown Facts about Praying Mantids
May 11, 2022
➥ Mantodea are an order of insects known as Mantises .
➥ there more over 2,400 species of mantises in about 460 genera in 33 families.
➥ The largest family Mantises is the Mantidae ("mantids").
➥ Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats.
➥ The closest relatives of mantises are cockroaches and termites .
➥ The earliest mantis fossils are about 140 million years old, from Siberia .
➥ Mantises has two bulbous compound eyes, three small simple eyes.
➥ Mantises has just one single ear.
➥ Some mantids are flightless and don't have an ear.
➥ Mantids can turn their head full 180° .
➥ The abdomen tends to be slimmer in males than females.
➥ The female lays between 10 and 400 eggs, depending on the species.
➥ Female Mantids secretes styrofoam like substance from their body to protect their eggs.
➥ Smaller ones may live 4–8 weeks, while larger species may live 4–6 months.
➥ Mantis nymphs are eaten by ants, which can sometimes wipe out an entire batch of young mantis nymphs.
➥Surviving mantis nymphs molt several times, each time becoming more like the adult,
➥ After the final molt, most species have wings, though some species remain wingless or brachypterous ("short-winged"), particularly in the female sex.
Mantis eating the head of butterfly. Image by denitsakireva from Pixbay |
➥ Mantids usually love to eat the haed of their prey.
➥ Praying Mantis uses their forelimbs like hands,
That have rows of sharp spines which helps to hold their pray.
➥ Larger mantises sometimes eat smaller individuals of their own species.
➥ Praying Mantids known for eating their mate's.
( Female eats male mantis)
➥ Did you know,in China there separately developed have movements and fighting strategies based on those of the mantis.
Read more: Praying Mantis - Reproduction - Mantids, Nymphs, Eggs, and Female - JRank Articles https://science.jrank.org/pages/5441/Praying-Mantis-Reproduction.html#ixzz7UlQwZpgi
Amazing Facts about Dragonflies Damselflies Robberflies Owlfies and Antlions | Things You Must know about these amazing winged hunter insects . Notorious Insects .
May 10, 2022Amazing Facts about DragonflieS and Damselflies
➮ Both Dragonflies and Damselflies is a flying insect belonging to the order Odonata.
➮ They Devided into unique infraorder, Dragonflies are belongs to infraorder Anisoptera and Damselflies belonging Zygoptera infraorder.
➮ Dragonflies are agile fliers, while damselflies have a weaker, fluttery flight.
➮ the wings of most dragonflies are held flat and away from the body, while damselflies hold their wings folded at rest, along or above the abdomen.
➮ Both Dragon flies and Damselflies are aquatic in their larval stage.
➮the male grasps the female at the back of the head, and the female curls her abdomen under her body to pick up sperm from the male's secondary genitalia at the front of his abdomen, forming the "heart" or "wheel" posture.
➮ Dragonflies Can Fly Backward, Loop the Loop and Hover in Place.
➮ Adult Dragonflies Can Eat While Flying.
➮ Dragonflies' Eyes Cover Their Whole Head.
Facts about Grasshoppers
May 10, 2022Facts about Grasshoppers
➣ insect groups belongs to the suborder Caelifera are Grasshoppers.
➣ about 11,000 species of Grasshoppers are known .
➣ Grasshoppers appear more than 300 million years ago.
➣Grashopper have a large pair of compound eyes for all-round vision, and more three simple eyes to detect light and dark.
➣ Grashopers has a pair of thread-like antennae that are sensitive to touch and smell.
➣ The downward-directed mouthparts of Grasshoppers are modified for chewing and there are two sensory palps in front of the jaws.
➣ Grasshopper have the auditory organs in their abdomen. Ears in their belly.
➣ The forewings, known as tegmina, are narrow and leathery while the hindwings are large and membranous,
➣ Front legs of grasshopper are much shorter than hind legs. They are used for walking and feeding.
➣Grasshoppers are best jumpers, they has long legs that especially designed with string like structure in knees which acts like catapult
➣ Grasshopper's single jump can be 200 times longer than their body length.
➣ Grasshoppers produce songs by rubbing their legs with wings. Songs are used to attract females.
➣ The generalised song can vary in phraseology and intensity, and is modified in the presence of a rival male, and changes again to a courtship song when a female is nearby.
➣ though in some species of Grasshoppers, the females also stridulate.
➣ The female of most Grasshopper species digs a hole with her ovipositor and lays a batch of eggs in a pod in the ground near food plants.
➣ Grasshoppers covers the hole with soil and litter After laying the eggs.
➣ Some, like the semi-aquatic Cornops aquaticum, deposit the pod directly into plant tissue.
➣ The eggs in the pod are glued together with a froth in some species
➣ The migratory grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes, spends about 25 to 30 days as a nymph
➣ depending on sex and temperature an adult lives for about 51 days .
➣ Grasshoppers undergoes five moults, and tehy becoming more similar to the adult insect at each developmental stage.
➣ An adult desert locust can eat about 2 g (0.1 oz) of plant material each day.
➣ Many of the Grasshoppers are master of disguise. However some are Bright colored.
➣ Dactylotum bicolor, known as the painted grasshopper
Has Captivating Coloration so they called rainbow grasshopper.
➣ The rainbow grasshopper is also distasteful to birds.
➣ During the migration, grasshopper can remain in the air (without landing) three days.
➣ The largest recorded locust swarm was one formed by the now-extinct Rocky Mountain locust in 1875; the swarm was 1,800 miles (2,900 km) long and 110 miles (180 km) wide,[42] and one estimate puts the number of locusts involved at 3.5 trillion.
Facts about Butterflies
May 10, 2022
❏ Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
❏ Antarctica is the only continent on which no Lepidoptera have been found.
❏ The Brimstone butterfly (Gonepterix rhamni) has the longest lifetime of the adult butterflies: 9-10 months.
❏ Some butterflies can fly 50km/h or faster. Slow flying butterflies probably fly about 10km/h.
❏ A group of butterflies puddling together is referred to as a “puddle club”.
❏ Some Butterflies are nomadic in behavior , for example Common Jezebel.
❏ Butterflies glue their eggs to leaves.
❏ Butterflies lays hundreads of eggs, depending on species numbers increases upto 500 hundreds.,
Common Jezebel butterfly, laying eggs. |
❏ The common rose is active much earlier in the morning, rest in middle of the day and again seen late afternoon.
❏ Monarch butterflies are the only insect in the whole world that travels over 2,500 miles on average every winter.
❏ These migrations take place over a number of generations and no single individual completes the whole trip.
❏ Butterflies can see green , yellow and red colours.
❏ Butterflies can see beyond the ultraviolet spectrum and their eyes consist of a network of 6000 lenses.
❏ Each species of butterfly has its own host plant range and while some species of butterfly are restricted to just one species of plant.
❏ The antennae are composed of many segments and have clubbed tips . The sensory receptors are concentrated in the tips and can detect odours.
Beautiful butterfly facts - https://www.thefactsite.com/beautiful-butterfly-facts/